Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Black Women Hair Care – 7 Hair Facts You Should Know

Recently, I spent a few minutes  explaining to a friend  that cutting her hair regularly every month, won’t let it grow. Where on earth did that myth come from? She was also astonished to find that relaxing her hair every eight weeks was not something that she had to do. Apparently she was told that if she did not religiously relax her hair every time new growth appeared then her hair would fall.  A conclusion that she came to when her hair was nine weeks post relaxer and started to shed like crazy.
The problem with some of us is that we believe much of the hair myths that our parents or hair dressers told us.  Some of those myths are still alive today and unfortunately we are following these old wives tales and our hair pays for us following bad advice.  Let us take a look at some scientific hair facts:
Fact number one – Hair is the fastest growing tissue in the body, second only to bone marrow. On average most hair grows at about half inch per month. This means that you gain a whole six inches of new hair growth in a year. Thirty five meters of hair fiber is produced every day on the average adult scalp.
Fact number two – It is normal to lose 100 hairs per day from the scalp. The natural life cycle of a single hair strand on your head ranges from two to six years. Ninety percent of scalp hairs are growing and ten percent are resting.
Factor number three – Cutting the ends of your hair cannot determine your hair growth. Why? Because hair is dead. The root of the hair is where all the action happens. The ends of the hair can split up to the root and that is the only reason why it would make sense to cut off the splits to retain hair  growth.
Fact number four  – If you maintain the ideal moisture and protein level in your hair it will not break. Hair breaks because it is dry or excessively abused. Most women complain about their hair not growing when in fact it is not the hair that is not growing but the handling of the hair that causes breakage.
Fact number five – Because of the tightly-curly, kinky hair that many black women are born with, structurally our hair will always need extra help from moisturizing or conditioning to retain our hair growth.
Fact number six – Moisturize your hair everyday as you would your skin. To prevent your hair from becoming matted and dry, you will have to routinely replace the moisture lost from everyday wear and tear.
Fact number seven – Stress and illness show up first in your hair.  Hence, hair breakage may stem from your mental state even if you are doing everything right to maintain your locks topically. Take steps to combat stress in your life and your hair will thank you for it.

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Sunday, September 25, 2016


It’s very easy for naturals to neglect their hair during the summer months. We don’t want to spend hours on end washing, deep conditioning and setting our hair in styles, now do we? Not to mention that most people notice a change in their hair when the summer comes around. Products don’t seem to work, your hair may be drier–our hair starts feeling like it isn’t our hair anymore! It is important to figure out what it needs and why its changed. That’s why I’m here: to help y’all figure out the best ways to care for your hair during the summer!
  1. Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize!
Whenever someone is having hair trouble and asks me for advice to fix it, this is always the answer I give them: MOISTURE! This is already a given, at least it should be (I’m wagging my finger at you furiously if you’re one of those people who only deep condition once a month). It is especially important for you to deep condition your hair during the summer months because while you’re out and about enjoying the wonderful sun, that wonderful sun’s rays are actually beating down on your hair, which causes it to be dry! If your natural hair is colored, it’s even worse for you because your chemically altered hair is already dry to begin with, so the sun can be even more damaging to you. Always moisturize and seal if your hair feels dry. Remember that the sun is NOT always your friend.
  1. Different Hair Products
As I’ve mentioned before, your natural hair may change up on you as the warmer months come around. While I was transitioning and was on my usual natural hair video binge on YouTube, I never understood why there were videos titled “Winter Hair Care Routine” and “Summer Hair Care Routine”. Like, what? Don’t you just do the same thing all the time, no matter what time of the year? Truth be told, I thought these YouTubers were just reaching. Maybe they had run out of ideas and now they were just spewing nonsense about a whole change of products to use during the different seasons. Boy, was I in for a surprise.
If you’re hair doesn’t change at all, good for you! But if yours does, listen up!
During the winter months, when your hair is liable to be very dry due to heavy winds and frigid air, you’ll notice that most of the products in your arsenal are those that provide you with heavy moisture. Creams are heavier, oils are thicker and this all used to coat your hair strands to create the best protective coat that’ll fight against the winter air.
Now when spring rolls around, you’ll find that you’ll use these products less and less and when June and July is here, you may have stopped altogether. Why? Because now that it’s no longer cold outside, those heavy creams and thick oils are now weighing your hair down. Before, the cold was fighting against this coat of moisture, so the weighing down of products wasn’t very noticeable because a little of that coat would be gone each day (unless you moisture and seal every day to keep it there; good for you!) Now that it’s warm out, the sun is baking the laden of moisture you’ve put on your hair and weighing it down. Make sense?
How do you combat this? Change your products! I, for example, have switched my creamy leave-in conditioner for a spray leave-in. If spray leave-ins aren’t your thing, purchase one with a lighter consistency versus a thick one. The castor oil I used to coat my strands during the winter is now replaced with a lightweight oil, extra virgin olive oil or avocado oil. Of course there are some exceptions (one of them found in the third tip), but for the most part, try to find products that will not weigh-down your hair as it does during the winter!
  1. Protective Styling!
This tip may not apply to those who wish to wear there hair during the summer, but if you’re like me and can’t be bothered with your hair for the whole summer, than this is for you!
I got my first protective style ever last summer. They were Marley twists and I loved them a lot. The maintenance was not hard and the look was very different than what I was used to. For five whole weeks I had this style and it kept me from doing my hair throughout that whole time besides styling it every once in a while and doing a few things to make sure it looked decent.
Protective styling doesn’t always have to be extensions either! Buns, mini twists, mini braids and any kind of up-dos contribute to protective styling. Remember: if you can keep your hair in a style for a whole week or more without touching it up much, you are protective styling! By doing this kind of styling, you are free to do whatever your hair desires for the summer without having to mess with your hair. Naturally, if you aren’t using extensions, before you leave your hair alone for a week or two make sure that your hair is protected with enough moisture that will last a whole week. The whole point of this is to be able to keep your hands out of your hair for as long as possible, but to also not neglect your hair fully, a big no-no.
If protective styling isn’t your thing, don’t worry! I’ll have another post coming up soon with FIVE quick and easy summer styles that literally takes no time at all to do! In the meantime, comment down below and tell me the different things you do with your hair in the summertime! Also, what are your favorite products to use?

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Hair fall treatment at home — 7 remedies that work!

Visit our Hair Care Center and know our natural hair loss treatment. Results guaranteed within 10 days!

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Hair fall treatment at home — 7 remedies that work!: Hair fall problem? Looking for a treatment that works without the side-effects of chemicals or medications? You should try these home r...

Friday, September 16, 2016

10 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About Dandruff


10 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About Dandruff: Dandruff has been my big secret since I was a young girl. On wash days, my mother would sit me down in the living room, turn on a Disney movie, and scratch the flakes out of my scalp before shampooing my hair. My mom would mumble on and on about how I inherited the flakes from my father and my grandfather, who have both used Head & Shoulders since before I was born.
Going to the hair salon, I always felt I needed to explain. “Sorry about the flakes! I have a really bad scalp,” is the way I would preface any trip to the shampoo bowl. And through my years as a beauty editor, I’ve found that there are a lot of misconceptions about dandruff. It’s a common scalp annoyance that no one really understands. So, SELF talked to two pros to bust all the myths about itchy, flaky scalps. Keep reading to get down to the root of the problem.

Myth #1: Dandruff is caused by a dry scalp. Actually it’s the exact opposite. Dandruff is more common for people with an oily scalp. “Skin cells on our scalp (just like those on the rest of our body) are constantly replaced and shed,” Anabel Kingsley, a trichologist at Philip Kinglsey Trichological Clinic, tells SELF. “If skin cells begin to divide too rapidly—faster than they are shed—this is what causes flakes.” An oily scalp in addition to this overgrowth of cells can cause skin cells to build-up on the scalp.

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Lao Fo Ye - Natural Dandruff Treatment 

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Have Lovely Dandruff-Free Hair With 15 Natural Dandruff Treatments

Your hair is the crown on your head. If you don’t treat it right, it will get rusty. The problem with the treatments is that not every shampoo or hair lotion works like you want.
It’s like your head gets used to these shampoos and prevents them from working. That was the first thig why I decided to go completely natural.
Plus, there are huge rumors circling around about the way the companies are producing the shampoos and other hair products.
What you will find below are natural dandruff treatments. I was blessed to deal with dandruff myself and advise all of my friends to try this if they are having similar problems.
I received nothing but positive feedbacks. This made me completely positive that I can share these treatments with all of you.
What’s there to lose? – All of these treatments are made with completely natural ingredients you are seeing every day.
The benefits of these ingredients are huge and work best with your hair.
Let’s dig in:

1. Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse

2. Tea Tree Shampoo/ Coconut Milk Mask/ Hair Growth Spray

3. Coconut Fenugreek Hair Mask

4. Garlic as a Dandruff Treatment

5. Yogurt And Lemon Juice Mask

6. Fenugreek Dandruff Treatment

7. Honey Shampoo

8. Olive Oil Remedies For Dandruff

9. Tea Tree Oil for Dandruff

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If you hate a long list of natural treatments, come and visit our Hair Care Center and let our specialists do the job for you. Time to say goodbye to dandruff forever!

Lao Fo Ye – Natural Dandruff Treatment

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Surprising Facts About Dandruff


If you've spotted the telltale flakes in your hair, read this myth-busting article about what causes dandruff and how to get rid of it. 

If you have an itchy scalp or flakes in your hair, you may be tempted to just reach for the nearest dandruff shampoo. Before you do, read on to find out common misconceptions about the irritating condition — and get experts' advice on dealing with it.
Dandruff is not caused by dryness.
If the skin on your body or face becomes scaly or itchy, your first instinct is probably to reach for a moisturizer. When your scalp is flaky, though, it’s usually the result of too much oil rather than too little. “It’s a common misconception that dandruff is caused by dryness; in reality, it’s usually due to an overgrowth of a harmless yeast,” explains Jessica Wu, M.D., a Los Angeles dermatologist and assistant clinical professor of dermatology at the University of Southern California Medical School. “In some people, the yeast starts to feed on the excess oil and dead skin cells on the scalp, causing the skin cells to shed more frequently and clump into flakes.”

You should wash your hair more often.
Normally, dermatologists warn against shampooing your hair every day, the concern being that you’ll strip the scalp and hair of natural oils and cause irritation. Dandruff poses the opposite problem. “Not shampooing enough will only make your dandruff worse — it causes more oil and dead skin cells to accumulate on your scalp, which the yeast and fungi just continue to feed on,” warns Beverly Hills dermatologist Stuart H. Kaplan, M.D. To rid your scalp of dandruff, you need to clean out all the gunk, which a regular shampoo won’t do. Dr. Kaplan recommends a medicated dandruff shampoo (which you can find at drugstores) every day, one that contains ketoconazole, selenium sulfide, or zinc. If your hair is coarse, though, and you’re concerned that daily shampooing will make it more brittle, you may want to use a dandruff conditioner too.

A flaky, itchy scalp does not always mean dandruff.
If you don’t see any improvement after washing for a week or two with a medicated shampoo, there might be another culprit. “You could have psoriasis or a skin inflammation. Some hair treatments and certain products with harsh chemicals can create an allergic reaction or sensitivity that dries out your scalp,” says cosmetic chemist Ni'Kita Wilson, vice president of research and innovation at Englewood Lab. So then, in this case, the flakes would have nothing to do with dandruff. “When dandruff shampoos aren’t cutting it, you’ll want to see a dermatologist, who’ll be able to diagnose your specific condition and prescribe the right remedy to treat it.”

You can get dandruff on your face and body too.
Those oily flakes are not necessarily restricted to your scalp. It’s not uncommon for women to discover dandruff flakes in their eyebrows, around their ears, and along the sides of their nose — anywhere a lot of oil is produced. Usually such scaly patches occur in addition to a flaky scalp — if you have these extra skin-shedding spots, use your dandruff shampoo to gently clean them when you wash your hair.

Dandruff can’t be cured, but it can be controlled.
Unfortunately, if you’re prone to dandruff, it’s most likely a problem that will continue to recur. Still, you don’t have to wait for flakes to make an appearance to start treating them — you can take preemptive action to avoid flare-ups. “Diets high in saturated and trans fats cause your sebaceous glands to produce more oil, which makes dandruff worse,” explains Kaplan. “Avoiding these fats, as well as incorporating varied fruits and veggies that contain zinc and B vitamins, will help keep the flakes at bay.” You may also want to consider taking a probiotic — any of a group of beneficial bacteria that can be found in yogurt or can be taken as a supplement — to combat the overgrowth of yeast.


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Friday, September 9, 2016

Eight Secrets to Reverse or Cure Hair Loss Naturally

How do you Reverse or Cure Hair Loss Naturally?

Not all issues of Hair Loss are permanent and irreversible, some are actually as a result of various factors where we can do something about and are thereby reversible.
Factors such as Lifestyle, Diet, and Nutrition are known to contribute to the case of Alopecia. Yet these can be controlled and reversed Naturally although the change must really have to start from you. If natural means though are not enough, do not lose hope as technology and medicine is also coming up with better discoveries to cure baldness.
However, while conditions that cause baldness such Androgenic Alopecia (Male Pattern Baldness / Female Pattern Baldness) is not something that can be reversed (although there are claims that says otherwise), it is certain to be a condition that can be prevented from worsening with proper health practice.
The following are Eight Natural Ways you can apply to yourself as a means of Hair Loss Cure should you encounter sudden issues of Hair Loss even though when you think your likelihood of getting bald (based on family history, et cetera) is low:

1. Maintain Good Nutrition

Nutrition is an important aspect of living life to its optimum wellness. Our body is always on the process of wear and tear as we go through our activities in the day and is a process necessary for growth.
However, getting the optimum nutrition required for our health requires a balanced sense of diet which some, if not most, of us are unable to accomplish in a day.
Ultimately, we end up undernourished which significantly affects ourselves overall, including the health of our scalp.
Nutrients that are known commonly to be the cause of Hair Loss among individuals involved Iron, Protein, and B Vitamins. Other nutrients such as Vitamin C, Copper, Zine, and Sulfur are also said to be essential in maintaining a healthy scalp and hair.
If you are a person clinically diagnosed to be Anemic, suffering from conditions resulting to protein deficiency in the body, as well as lack of needed B vitamins in the body, then you are more than likely to suffer hair losses in life.
But experiencing Hair Loss simply as a result of the mentioned nutrients, it can be remedied by making adjustments to one’s diet rich in any of the mentioned nutrients.

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Genetic Hair Loss Natural Treatment – Guaranteed Results
Lao Fo Ye – Hair Treatment Testimonials

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Why Being Pregnant Makes Your Hair Fuller—And Giving Birth Makes It All Fall Out

Everyone who’s had a bun in the oven knows that one of the biggest pregnancy perks is that you suddenly look like you could be in an Herbal Essences commercial, but where exactly does that new hair growth come from? And what makes it fall out after the baby’s born? We went to Mary Jane Minkin, M.D., clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Yale Medical School, for answers on this hair-raising situation.
“The prevailing wisdom is that hair grows so nicely during pregnancy because women are making a lot of the estrogen hormone,” says Minkin. That’s due to the placenta, which weighs about a pound and looks like a cross between brisket and cooked liver, says Minkin. “You can think of it as being attached to the uterus. It nourishes the baby through the umbilical cord and is also like a hormone factory that keeps pregnancy going and pumps out things like estrogen and progesterone.” While the medical world isn’t exactly sure how estrogen might be linked to hair growth, they do know it can stimulate follicles. “In general, people often don’t realize how much of a role estrogen plays in pregnancy,” says Minkin. “It’s also what gives your body the message to fill your breasts with milk, and it also helps trigger the milk’s release after the baby’s born.”
When you give birth, you’re pushing the placenta out after the baby, losing out on all that extra estrogen you were getting for months. Minkin suspects that sudden decline in hormones could be at the root of post-pregnancy hair loss. So can you use estrogen-based treatments to grow your hair back if you miss its lush pregnancy state? “Some people find them helpful, and some don’t,” says Minkin. Basically, it’s a toss-up.
Another factor that may be at play is that even though giving birth is a natural process, it can be somewhat traumatic. “Sometimes things like having surgery or getting anesthesia can trigger hair loss, but it could even just be the stress of the event of giving birth itself. We see significant hair loss with people who have undergone tremendous shocks or events, so that could be the cause,” says Minkin.
Although it can be terrifying to see more hair in the shower drain than usual, Minkin emphasizes that this is pretty normal. “The majority of women have some degree of hair loss,” she says. If you’re seeing more than you used to before you were pregnant, just think of it as your new normal until your body hopefully evens out. However, if you start pulling out entire clumps of hair or see major thinning, you can make an appointment with your gynecologist to get checked out. “Around three to five percent of women have more severe hair loss than normal after a pregnancy,” says Minkin. “In that case, I’ll perform a test to check thyroid function because its hormones can be involved.” Otherwise, check out these tips to fake thicker, fuller hair—whether you’re a new mom or not.

Source: Hair and Pregnancy

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8 Strategies to Battle Baldness
Genetic Hair Loss Treatment

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

3 Magical Tips for Soft and Silky Hair

Have you ever looked at some people in complete awe, wondering what they do to maintain such gorgeous hair? “Must be their genes,” you say to convince yourself. Interestingly, though a lot is inherited through the genes, there are people who hamper their health by not keeping track of their diet and lifestyle. They adopt unhealthy habits and most often fail to pay attention to the importance of external care.
Today, your basic hair-care regime is of the utmost importance along with periodical herbal spa treatments to give your locks that extra dose of nourishment. Imagine all that sweat, smoke, heat and pollution getting stuck in your hair, ripping it off its natural radiance and health. While many may succeed at keeping their hair healthy, acquiring that natural radiance and bounce is not an easy task. No matter how long or thick your hair gets, the lack of luster, shine and softness will make it more damage prone.
The significance of natural ingredients takes precedence when it comes to hair care. No amount of artificial application will give you long term result over the sustained nourishment of natural agents. They are easy on the pocket and can be put together in a jiffy to give you the desired results.
1. Diet
Dr, Deepali Bhardwaj, a leading Delhi-based dermatologist emphasises on the importance of a well-balanced diet, “Your diet plays a vital role; what you eat reflects outside on your face, hair and skin. For healthy, shiny and lustrous hair you must not forget those green vegetables, protein, Vitamin C, Omega 3, 6, 9, primrose oil, and Vitamin E among other nutrients,” she noted.
According to Ayurveda, our hair and nails are the extension of our bones. The dhatus or tissues responsible for the growth of our hair and nails come from the bones. Therefore, micronutrients like zinc, magnesium and calcium – essential to bone health – come into play to ensure healthy hair growth as well. According to Ayurveda, a handful of white sesame seeds eaten every morning will meet your daily dose of calcium and magnesium. Your regular diet should ideally be a mix of 1200mg of calcium, 600mg magnesium and 60mg of zinc to ensure optimum hair heath.
2. Protection
“The first step to ensure silky, smooth hair is to avoid any kind of damage to your hair. External application or internal supply of nourishment will all go in vain if your hair is exposed to damaging conditions on a daily basis,” noted Dr. Bhardwaj.
Wash hair on a regular basis and avoid accumulation of sweat and dirt. Keep a check on dandruff or fungal infections. Make sure your head is not suffocated and enough air passes through it.
3. Nourishment
Hair Mask
“Applying a nourishing hair mask right after oiling your hair will give that added nourishment to your hair, which is much needed to make it soft and silky. Natural oils are usually great for softening the texture of your hair. Mahabhringaraj oil is ideal for oiling. You can even apply a combination of pure almond oil and castor oil or, sesame oil with olive oil,” shared a leading beauty expert, Suparna Trikha.
Take 1 mashed avocado and mix it with 1 egg, 2 tsp mayo, 2 tsp honey and juice of half a lemon. Blend it and apply on hair after oiling. Let it sit for 45 minutes and wash off with a mild, herbal shampoo.
Natural Shampoo
“Instead of using chemical-based shampoo, opt for a mix of amla, reetha and shikakai to cleanse your hair and give it an enviable texture,” added Ms. Trikha.
Take 100gm of amla phalli (raw dried amla), 100gm of reetha phalli, and 100gm of shikakai phalli. Soak overnight in water (2 litre), strain and use as shampoo.
External application of ingredients like eggs, yoghurt, avocado, natural oils, bananas and aloe vera has long been associated with rendering hair that spellbinding shine and lustre. Nourish your body from within by eating right. Stay away from artificial and chemical treatments and styling. Live natural, live smart.

Source: 3 Magical Tips for Soft and Silky Hair

Other links:

Dragon Fruit – For Your Hair!
Gray Hair and Natural Treatment

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

What Causes White Hair at a Young Age?

Most people’s hair turns grey or white as they age, as the hair follicles cease to produce melanin, the pigment that gives hair its color. But some people start seeing their first white hairs before they’re even out of their thirties. Having white hair at a young age can make you stand out from the crowd, but in a few cases it may signal a more serious problem.


If your mother or father’s hair turned white at an early age, you may be genetically programmed for premature graying. Your genes determine when production of melanin stops, and your DNA may destine you to platinum hair at an early age.

Vitamin Deficiency

Premature graying could be a sign of a vitamin deficiency, especially a lack of Vitamin B. If you eat a balanced diet and don’t suffer from malnutrition, you may have pernicious anemia. In this form of anemia, your body is unable to absorb Vitamin B-12 from the bloodstream. Consult your doctor. If you test positive for pernicious anemia, you can have regular injections of B-12 to counteract the deficiency.


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Natural Gray Hair Treatment – FAST and EASY
LaoFoYe's Gray Hair Treatment 

Monday, September 5, 2016

Understanding Skin Conditions and Alopecia Areata

Alopecia is the medical term for baldness; there are various types of alopecia, including alopecia areata.

Alopecia areata is a condition that causes a person’s hair to fall out. It is an autoimmune disease; that is, the person’s immune system attacks their own body. In this case, their hair follicles. When this happens, the person’s hair begins to fall out, often in clumps the size and shape of a quarter. The extent of the hair loss varies; in some cases, it is only in a few spots. In others, the hair loss can be greater.

On rare occasions, the person loses all of the hair on his or her head (alopecia areata totalis) or entire body (alopecia areata universalis).
It is believed that the person’s genetic makeup may trigger the autoimmune reaction of alopecia areata, along with other unknown triggers.

Alopecia areata is an unpredictable disease. In some people, hair grows back but falls out again later. In others, hair grows back and remains. Each case is unique. Even if someone loses all of his or her hair, there is a chance that it will grow back.

Who Gets Alopecia Areata?
Anyone can develop alopecia areata; however, your chances of having alopecia areata are slightly greater if you have a relative with the disease. In addition, alopecia areata occurs more often among people who have family members with autoimmune disorders such as diabetes, lupus, or thyroid disease.

Can Alopecia Areata Be Cured?
Alopecia areata cannot be cured; however, it can be treated and hair can grow back. In many cases, alopecia areata is treated with drugs that are used for other conditions. Treatment options for alopecia areata include:

Corticosteroids: Anti-inflammatory drugs that are prescribed for autoimmune diseases. Corticosteroids can be given as an injection into the scalp or other areas, orally (as a pill), or applied topically (rubbed into the skin) as an ointment, cream, or foam. Response to therapy may be gradual.
Topical contact allergens or sensitizers. This type of therapy may be used if the hair loss is widespread or if it recurs. The inflammation that the treatments cause may promote hair regrowth. Another name for this treatment is topical immunotherapy.
Rogaine (minoxidil): This topical drug is already used as a treatment for pattern baldness. It usually takes about 12 weeks of treatment with Rogaine before hair begins to grow. Results can be disappointing.
Other drugs that are used for alopecia areata with varying degrees of effectiveness include medications used to treat psoriasis and other autoimmune disorder.

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Related Article:
How to Treat Alopecia Areata

Saturday, September 3, 2016

8 Strategies to Battle Baldness

Know how to handle and control hair loss

When a man begins to go bald, two things go down the drain—his hair and his confidence. Some 62 percent of balding guys in a Spanish study said losing their locks could deflate their self-esteem. This isn’t 21st-century superficiality: “Thick hair has always been associated with youth and masculinity,” says Albert Mannes, Ph.D., a University of Pennsylvania researcher who’s studied perceptions of balding. “Hair loss signals aging.”
But baldness can be deceiving: Two-thirds of men face hair loss by age 35, and a bad genetic hand is often to blame. Male-pattern baldness is an inherited sensitivity to dihydrotestosterone (DHT, a by-product of testosterone), which leads to finer hair, a receding hairline, and finally a deserted scalp.

That’s why scientists—who may be thinning up top themselves—have put balding in their crosshairs. Read on for new ways to save what’s there, regain what’s gone, or—if it comes to it—learn that you can lose and still win.


Doctors often diagnose balding by sight alone: If your hair is only on the sides and middle top of your head, the bare areas form the letter M (as in male-pattern baldness). But thinning that spreads across your scalp and not to your crown or temples often indicates an underlying health issue.
“Hormonal or nutritional deficiencies, such as thyroid problems, low iron, or low protein, can cause shedding,” says Carolyn Jacob, M.D., the founder of Chicago Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology.
In other words, “don’t assume it’s genetic,” says Marc Avram, M.D., a clinical professor of dermatology at Weill Cornell Medical College.
One hitch: A discernible pattern may take years to emerge, so pinpointing the cause simply by the look of your locks may be difficult.
That’s why Dr. Avram suggests seeing a dermatologist as soon as thinning begins so you can have a scalp biopsy to rule out worrisome triggers. To find a dermatologist specializing in hair loss, go to, enter your zip code, and select “hair disorders” as the specialty.


Late-night TV ads offer legit fixes for many problems—stains, clogged gutters, subpar pancakes—but balding isn’t one of them.
“Be wary of infomercials or Internet ads touting hair-growing shampoos or pills,” warns Marc Glashofer, M.D., a dermatologist in Long Beach, New York, who specializes in hair loss. “Most haven’t been clinically studied and are usually a waste of your money.”
Stick with the drugs that have been green-lighted by the FDA: finasteride (Propecia) and minoxidil (Rogaine).
“Both are better at maintaining what you have than regrowing what you lost,” says George Cotsarelis, M.D., a professor of dermatology at the University of Pennsylvania.
Propecia works by blocking the conversion of testosterone to DHT, but there’s a major side effect to consider: It could mess with nerve-signaling pathways to your penis, resulting in ED and a loused-up libido, a study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found.
Dr. Cotsarelis says most men don’t experience these side effects, but if you’re uneasy about the ED risk, skip the Propecia.
(To learn more about the popular baldness remedy’s side effects, discover The Truth About Propecia.)
As for Rogaine, it’s thought to stimulate hair growth, although scientists aren’t sure how.
Rogaine often gets a bad rap because people don’t use it correctly,” Dr. Cotsarelis says. “You have to use Rogaine at least twice a day and for at least six months before you see any results. It can actually cause shedding in the first month or two.”
In other words, don’t give up after just a week of slathering it on your scalp.


Dozens of shampoos claim to make your hair look thicker, but only one ingredient has been shown to truly preserve your pate: Ketoconazole, an antifungal used to fight dandruff, may save your mane by reducing production of testosterone (and therefore DHT) in hair follicles, say scientists at the University of British Columbia.
In fact, in a Belgian study, balding men who used a 1 percent ketoconazole shampoo two or three times a week for six months saw a 17 percent reduction in hair shedding.

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Time to know about LaoFoYe’s Hair Loss/Genetic Hair Loss Treatment.

Friday, September 2, 2016

8 Interesting Facts About Baldness

The suspicion that you are going bald can be a life-changing experience. If this has happened to you, then you have probably trawled through thousands of websites, searching for the real facts about hair loss.
Balding is surrounded by a myriad of myths, leading many to misunderstand the facts entirely. Here, those fictitious rumours have been investigated, and the truth uncovered.

1. Genetic Hair Loss Can Come From Either Side Of The Family
One common hair loss myth argues that male and female pattern baldness, or androgenetic alopecia, can only be inherited through your mother’s genes. However, the fact of the matter is that baldness can be passed down by either side of the family.
2. Half the Hair Can Be Lost Before It Is Noticeable
Many people falsely believe the main sign that genetic baldness is setting in is witnessing large volumes of hair fall out.  The majority of people will lose between 50 and 100 scalp hairs per day. This is completely normal. However, problems with baldness arise when these hairs are not replaced by the natural cycle. This ‘thinning’ can take a while to become easily apparent.
If you do lose sizeable amounts of hair, it may be a sign of a different medical condition, so be sure to seek expert advice.
3. Hair Loss Is Not Caused By Damage To The Hair Itself
Our hair consists of a hair shaft that grows out of our skin, a strong root found below the skin and a follicle, in which the root develops.  Most hair loss is caused by a destruction of the follicle. When this important component is damaged, the root cannot grow effectively and the hair shaft will never develop.
4. Some Baldness Can Be Reversed
Pattern baldness is not the only type of hair loss to be aware of. Alopecia areata is a medical condition where small patches of hair loss form. This problem can arise due to psychological or physical stress. Surgery, chemotherapy, hormonal imbalances and even sudden weight loss can also lead to temporary hair loss. Alleviating the cause will stop the baldness spreading and, in time, the hair will rejuvenate.
However, if stress has simply accelerated the development of male or female pattern baldness, the hair will not return.
5. Baldness Is Not Linked To Intellectual Capacity
This is one of the oldest wives’ tales around, probably as old as the condition itself. Due to the proximity of the brain to the hair follicle, many believed that thinking too much or even having a mental disorder negatively impacted hair growth.  This myth suggests that bald men are either highly intelligent or psychologically damaged.
Unfortunately, this deceiving depiction is still deemed believable; sustained by the Hollywood tradition of portraying the bald characters as geeks or villains. Hopefully, contemporary bald celebrities like Bruce Willis will be able to finally vanquish this myth.
6. Wearing Hats Does Not Cause Hair Loss
Another popular baldness myth is that it can be caused by frequently wearing hats or helmets. This fabrication stems from the belief that the scalp needs to breathe. Everyone from policemen to construction workers will be happy to hear that this is not actually the case.
As the hair follicles reside under the skin, they receive oxygen from the bloodstream. Therefore, constant exposure to oxygen in the air is not necessary to maintain healthy hair.
7. Shampooing The Hair Is Not Bad
Vigorously shampooing is thought to lead to further balding. This is not the case. The loss of hair is simply more noticeable while in the shower, as the loose hairs fall to the plughole. If you choose to stop shampooing, all of the dead hairs will remain on your head.  So, the next time you work up the courage to thoroughly wash your hair, the loss will appear greater.
8. Bald Men Are Not More Virile
Unfortunately for some, this tale is as false as those involving the size of men’s hands or feet. The volume of testosterone in the bloodstream does not determine baldness. Instead, several contributing genes are involved, making the hair follicles more sensitive to the circulating hormone.
Hair loss can be a traumatic thing and is important to be aware of. Luckily, balding people now have more options available to them than ever before.

Source: Interesting Facts About Baldness

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