Monday, December 19, 2016
Dull Hair
Adding Polish to Dull Hair
The biggest difference between the average woman’s hair and the hair you see in the fashion and beauty magazines is the way it shines. Those magazine images always feature long locks of shiny hair that seem to glow with a light all of its own. It can leave you feeling that you’ll never have hair that looks like that. Well, the first thing to remember is that unless you are a model and regularly have your hair photographed under professionally-set lighting, the level of shine and glow seen in magazine photos is not likely to become part of your daily life.
This doesn’t mean that you can’t make your hair appear shinier and healthier. It means that you have to remember which are real and which are special effects. Dull hair looks less healthy, and absorbs light rather than reflecting it. It can also make the color appear lifeless and leave you feeling that your hair is unappealing, when in fact it can be beautiful with just a few simple tips.
There are many causes of dull-looking hair – chemical damage, heat styling damage, improper styling techniques, and even environmental soils and stresses. Fortunately, there are a lot of tricks and tips to make the hair look shiny again. Here are some simple ways to make your hair look shinier:
Cool Rinses
We know from previous discussion that heat and moisture affect the shape of the hair shaft and that heat can cause the hair shaft to swell and the cuticle to open up. An open cuticle reflects light less effectively and can leave the hair looking especially dull.
Yet one of the easiest ways to restore shine to the hair is by rinsing it in cool water. You don’t need to endure a cold shower to get the benefits, either. Simply remember at the end of your shower to switch the water to cold and chill your hair under the spray. The cold water helps the hair shaft contract and the cuticle close up. This leaves the hair looking smoother, shinier and more light-reflective.
Just remember not to undo the benefits of the cold rinse by roughing up the hair while drying it. Squeeze the hair in the folds of a towel to remove excess water, and pat the hair at the scalp.
Natural Rinses
There are also natural products that can be used to give the hair a little added “oomph” when it comes to shining the hair. The cold water rinse is great, but there are other simple techniques that can make a big difference as well. One such trick is to use vinegar as a finishing rinse after shampooing and conditioning the hair.
You can add ½-1 cup of white vinegar to a gallon of cool water and pour that over your freshly washed and conditioned hair before you leave the shower. The vinegar is acidic, and works to counter the slight alkalinity of the shampoo and conditioner products. This helps to tighten the cuticle layer of the hair and makes the hair look shinier and healthier in the process.
Shampoo Choices
The correct shampoo for your hair goals is another key element to making the hair appear shinier. Dry hair tends to appear dull, so be sure to use a shampoo that will add moisture and clean gently. Follow it up with a moisture rich conditioner and you can soon see dramatic results in the healthy look of your hair. Fortunately, modern advances in hair care products has brought us a wide range of shampoos from many makers that are geared toward improving shine by smoothing the cuticle layer and helping to maintain a smooth and silky look in the hair.
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Top 10 reasons for hair loss in women
10 Ways You're Ruining Your Hair but Don't Know It
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Top 10 reasons for hair loss in women
A woman’s body goes through a lot of changes through her entire course of life. These changes can at times be a contributing factor in hair loss. But in order to treat this problem, we first need to figure out the root cause of it so that the apt treatment method can be suggested. We list 10 common reasons for hair loss in females.
#1 Bad hair etiquette
Excessive use of hairstyling tools like strengtheners and curling iron or hair products like gels, mousse, sprays, colours, etc. can damage the hair shaft and prolonged usage can hamper its growth. Tight ponytails, wrong combs, parting your hair, can further aggravate the condition. According to trichologist Dr Apoorva Shah, even excessive colouring can lead to hair loss. Can shampoo cause hair loss? Click here to find out.
In this condition, male hormones or androgens are secreted in excess and they form small fluid-like sacs in the ovaries which are known as cysts. It is due to hormonal imbalances in your body which negatively affects your hair growth as well. While you may notice more hair growth on your body, it can trigger hair fall from your scalp. Read more…
#3 Anemia
Anemia is a result of low iron intake in one’s diet. Many women may be anemic due to heavy menstruation or inadequate folic acid in their body. This results in low production of hemoglobin which means less oxygen to your organs. When oxygen does not reach your hair follicles, they tend to be weak and break easily. This results in hair fall. Here are 10 tips to beat this.
#4 Menopause
A lot of changes take place in a woman’s body once she hits menopause and one of them can be hair fall. This is because estrogen hormone levels are low in the body. They can make the hair dry and also cause hair loss if due care isn’t taken. It is essential to use mild shampoos and condition your mane as well as eat right. Here are a few remedies you could try.
#5 Labour
Many women experience hair fall after their delivery. This is because, during pregnancy, there is a peak in the hormone estrogen so you can expect a full head of hair. But once the baby is delivered, hormones go back to their normal phase which may result in hair falling out at once. But this is a temporary phase and hair growth returns to normal after a few weeks.
#6 Protein deficiency
Our hair is made of a protein called keratin. When we do not eat protein-rich foods, it depletes from our body making the hair brittle. This leads to weak strands which fall prematurely. Here are a few essential nutrients you need to eat to prevent hair fall.
#7 Medications
Women who are on birth control pills can have side-effects like hair fall if they abruptly stop using them. Other hormonal pills and therapies can have a similar effect. Chemotherapy sessions also result in hair loss. Here are 5 methods to combat hair loss after chemotherapy.
#8 Extreme weight loss
Crash dieting and losing a lot of weight suddenly or too quickly can adversely affect the growth of your hair. This is because, usually these diets deprive your body of essential nutrients or put a ban on eating certain food groups which then impact your hair growth.
#9 Medical illnesses like thyroid disease, autoimmune disease
Thyroid is responsible for secreting triiodothyronine and thyroxine hormones which are needed for proper growth and development of our body. When a person suffers from hypo or hyperthyroidism, there is excess or low secretion of these hormones which can lead to deficiencies if not treated on time. Hair loss is one of the complications due to various changes taking place in your body. In an autoimmune disease, our body creates antibodies against our own cells and tissues. They attack hair as well as other organs resulting in hair loss.
#10 Any acute or chronic medical conditions
Conditions like diabetes, psoriasis are also responsible for loss of hair. Diabetes negatively affects the body’s circulatory system. This means that less amount of nutrients and oxygen reach the upper and the lower extremities of the body i.e. the feet and the scalp areas. If diabetes is causing poor blood circulation to the scalp, the hair follicles will die resulting in hair loss. Psoriasis is a skin disease which also affects the scalp and hair follicles.
While shedding of 60-100 strands every day is the norm, anything more than that over a period of time can cause hair loss. If you notice this, it is best to get yourself checked for any underlying condition which could be causing your hair fall. Here are 20 treatment options to combat hair loss.
With inputs from Dr Shuba Dharmana, a celebrity hair transplant surgeon.
Image Source: Getty Images
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Monday, December 5, 2016
When split ends, breakage and unmanageable frizz start to appear, take that as a major cry for help from your hair. Although heat is one of the most common factors for damaged strands, there are also many other ways you can be harming your hair.
In order to get to the bottom of these bad habits we turned to John Frieda celebrity hair stylist Sebastian Scolarici to find out just what we’re doing wrong and how we can never commit these hair sins again!
Sleeping With Wet Hair
While sleeping with wet hair isn't entirely disastrous, it could lead to nasty breakage. "What creates this breakage is putting your wet hair in a ponytail or tight hairstyles to sleep in," Scolarici explained. "If you need to sleep with your hair up, use a fabric hair holder and make sure you tie it at the very top of your head."
Although trying new trends may be fun, coloring your hair too frequently can be killing your tresses. "I find the biggest cause of hair damage is over-coloring, specifically highlighting too frequently," Scolarici said. "Don't run to the salon every time you have a little root growing. You can use products like the John Frieda Go Blonder In-Shower Lightening Treatmentto get you by and stretch the time in between those salon appointments."
Turning Up the Heat
Step away from the plancha, ladies. By now we all know that heat can cause some vicious damage to your hair, but Scolarici said the true issue lies within how often you use heat on your hair. "Often women reach for their heating tools to combat frizz. Opt for the John Frieda Frizz Ease Hair Care line to find another option to fight frizz. [There] you can also find a styling aid to avoid the need for high heat."
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Friday, December 2, 2016
8 Ways You're Damaging Your Hair
Grab while you still can! This is the lowest price you could get for 3 hair treatment.
Buy 2 of any Lao Fo Ye hair treatments and you will get additional 1 for FREE. From the usual price of $358, now for only $188 - big savings up to 47%.
You may start to enjoy hair and feel it grow healthier. Call +65 6383 8333 now!
8 Ways You're Damaging Your Hair: Perms, highlights, extensions: In our quest for beauty are we sacrificing the hair on our heads? Here’s a breakdown of the damage too muc...
Buy 2 of any Lao Fo Ye hair treatments and you will get additional 1 for FREE. From the usual price of $358, now for only $188 - big savings up to 47%.
You may start to enjoy hair and feel it grow healthier. Call +65 6383 8333 now!
8 Ways You're Damaging Your Hair: Perms, highlights, extensions: In our quest for beauty are we sacrificing the hair on our heads? Here’s a breakdown of the damage too muc...
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Hair Damage – Causes and how to avoid
All of us long for healthy and lustrous hair as your hair is considered your crowning glory. How your hair looks on a particular day makes a lot of difference to your appearance . But alas, I remember in my younger days when I had a crown not of glory but of thrones. My hair was unmanageable with lots of split ends. To tame my curls, I would comb my hair every single day hoping for better hair day but all in vain. My hair was so damaged and unmanageable that I would always keep my hair tied down. I never knew how one could use different products to define the curls. And this is the problem with most of people with curly and wavy hair. The foremost cause of this persistent problem is people are just not aware of how to take care of their hair and how to use products to define their curls. Even salon professionals are not able to help you in taking care of your hair and to get the defined curls and waves.
If you are a regular reader of my blog, by now you already must have known different ways to get the defined curls. But the other important thing is to keep your curls healthy. To achieve that goal, we should first know what damages our hair.
Appearance of our hair depends mostly on the quality of hair cuticles. Cuticles are flat, overlapping scales like shingles on the roof which provides a resistant barrier protecting the hair from outside environment and play a very important part to keep the hair healthy. Cuticles are hydrophobic (water resistant) in nature and keep the hair away from excessive moisture and humidity (know how excessive moisture and humidity affects hair). The more damaged the cuticles are, the more unmanageable are our hair and we can see this cuticle damage by noticing below things.
- Fly aways and static charge on hair – Our hair carries negative charge. More the hair is damaged, more negative charge it carries.
- Frizzy, out of control hair – Due to damaged cuticles, hair absorbs more moisture from air and swells to cause frizzyness.
- Dry and rough to touch hair – Hair loses its moisture due to damaged outer cuticle layer.
- Tangled hair – Hair gets more knots due to damaged cuticles.
- Dull hair that lacks shine
- Breakage
- Split ends
So, lets see what are the causes of cuticle damage.
Mechanical Damage
Everyday grooming routine such as shampooing, combing or brushing and tie your hair with clips and rubberbands can result in hair damage. These actions result in friction between hair fibers and also friction between hair fiber and the grooming tool like comb, brush, bands etc. Due to this friction, the hair cuticles get lifted and results in separation from the underlying cuticles called de-cementation of cuticles. Also, when you brush or comb through tangled hair, it stretches and elongate the hair causing strain on hair fiber which results in breakage and split ends.
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Tuesday, November 22, 2016
10 Ways You're Ruining Your Hair but Don't Know It
10 Ways You're Ruining Your Hair but Don't Know It: Everyone knows that endless flatironing , bleaching , and using tons of styling product aren't exactly the best thing for your hair....
Ruined hair? Worry no more! Select 2 from any of your favorite hair treatments and get 1 FREE - Hair Growth, Alopecia Areata, Scalp Detox & More. Avail our promo for only $188. Usual price is $358 - big savings up to 47%, enjoy big discount. Don't miss! Grab our amazing deals. Promo 'til November 30, 2016 only. Call +65 6383 8333 now!
Ruined hair? Worry no more! Select 2 from any of your favorite hair treatments and get 1 FREE - Hair Growth, Alopecia Areata, Scalp Detox & More. Avail our promo for only $188. Usual price is $358 - big savings up to 47%, enjoy big discount. Don't miss! Grab our amazing deals. Promo 'til November 30, 2016 only. Call +65 6383 8333 now!
Friday, October 7, 2016
20 Best Home Remedies for Hair Growth
Best Hair Care Tips for Hair Growth
Does long, shiny and thick hair that is shown in TV ads mesmerize you? Are you worried about those commercial products loaded with harmful chemicals? Do you think that commercial hair growth products are too pricy for you to purchase? If so, then this blog is only for you.
In this blog, we are going to talk about top 20 totally natural home remedies for promoting hair growth. The most noticeable things about these remedies are that these are 100% natural and safe, inexpensive and above all, these remedies work. These include some common kitchen ingredients, essential oils and a few dietary needs for better hair growth. Let’s read on.
Hibiscus Flower for Hair Growth
Hibiscus Flower or otherwise known as gudhal in Hindi is popularly known as the flower of hair care. It addresses every type of hair problems and hair growth tops the list of the benefits. It is rich in amino acids, vitamin A, vitamin C and alpha Hydroxy acids with other nutrients required for hair growth. Make a smooth paste of Hibiscus flower with a few drops of essential oil. Apply the paste on your scalp and hair. After 20-30 minutes, rinse it with a mild shampoo. Use it twice a week for promoting hair growth effectively.
Biotin for Hair Growth
Biotin, also known as vitamin H, serves as a water soluble B vitamin supplement that maximizes hair growth. It helps renew hair follicles and increases the elasticity of hair cortex, thus preventing hair breakage and making your hair look fuller as well as healthier. You can take biotin tablets orally or it can be applied topically. To apply it directly on your hair, simply crush the biotin tablets and mix with a few drops of essential oil. Massage this paste on your scalp and keep it overnight. Next day, wash it out with your regular shampoo. Use it at least once a week for healthy hair growth.
Beetroot Juice for Hair Growth
Beetroot juice is packed with all nutrition required for hair growth. When applied on your scalp, it supplies an adequate quantity of protein, carotenoids, vitamin B, vitamin C, iron, magnesium, potassium, silica, calcium and phosphorus. It strengthens your scalp and prevents hair loss. Simply crush beetroot juice in a food processor and draw its juice in a bowl. Now dip a cotton ball in the juice and apply it on your scalp. Keep it for 10-20 minutes and then rinse off with normal water. Use this remedy twice a week for promoting hair growth.
Garlic Juice for Hair Growth
Top constitutes of garlic: sulfur and selenium help fortify the structure of the hair shaft that means it not only help to replenish the lost hair, but also strengthen the existing hair. Vitamins and minerals contained in garlic juice naturally condition the hair and add strength to your hair root. Extract the juice of garlic and collect it in a bowl. Now apply this juice on your scalp and hair strand. Keep it for 30 minutes and then rinse off with a mild shampoo. Use it two times a week for healthy hair growth.
Hair Care with Curry Leaves
Curry leaves are abundant with proteins and beta-carotene. We all know that proteins are extremely good for hair and these prevent hair thinning. On the other hand, beta-carotene of curry leaves prevent hair fall while offering thick and shiny hair. Simply, crush the leaves to make a paste of it. Add a few drops of olive oil and massage the paste on your scalp. Keep it for an hour and then wash off with a mild shampoo. Use it once a week for expected results.
Henna for Hair Growth
Henna is popular for giving attractive texture to hair. But it has surprising effects on promoting hair growth too. Henna deeply conditions the hair, making them healthy and shiny. Make sure that you use 100% natural henna for expected results. Make a thick paste of henna in combination with amla juice and curd. Apply the paste on your hair and scalp. Keep it for an hour and wash off using a mild shampoo. Use it thrice a month for better hair growth.
Hair Growth with Rosemary Oil
Rosemary oil is one of the oldest remedy for promoting hair growth. It stimulates cell division and dilates blood vessels. This, in turn, stimulates hair follicles for promoting fast hair growth. You can apply the oil directly on your scalp and hair. You can also add it to your shampoo or conditioner and also with other essential oils to boost the healing power of rosemary oil.
Vitamin E Oil for Hair Growth and Hair Care
Vitamin E is an unbeatable source of antioxidants that helps repair and build tissues. When the vitamin E oil is applied on the scalp, it reduces inflammation and repair damage to the follicles making them healthy, thus promoting healthy hair growth. Wash your hair and scalp with a mild shampoo. Once your hair gets dry, apply the vitamin E oil on your scalp properly. The oil works more effectively on clean scalp.
Black Pepper for Hair Care
Black pepper is often used in Ayurvedic medicines for hair growth. Black pepper is rich in vitamin A and C, flavonoids, carotenoids and other anti-oxidants that cleanses scalp and a healthy scalp leads to healthy hair growth. Mix crushed black pepper with two tablespoons of lime juice and apply the paste on your scalp. Keep it for 30 minutes and then rinse off with a mild shampoo. Use it once a week for effective results.
Onion Juice for Hair Growth
Onion is rich in sulfur. This mineral is one of the main building blocks of hair. It improves blood circulation and provides the hair follicles with sufficient nourishment. Onion also has anti-bacterial properties that help with scalp infections that cause hair loss. Simply, you will need to peel the onion and chop them into small pieces. Squeeze out the juice using a food processor. Massage the onion juice into your scalp. Keep it for an hour and then wash off using a mild shampoo. Use it once a week for effective hair growth.
Hair Growth with Fenugreek Seeds
Fenugreek seeds contain proteins, nicotinic acids and large amounts of lecithinare that are extremely effective in strengthening the hair from the roots and treating follicular problems. Soak a handful of fenugreek seeds in water overnight. Next day, grind the seed to make a paste of it by adding water. Apply it as a hair mask on the hair and leave it for an hour. This remedy is very helpful for hair growth as well as dandruff.
Coconut Milk for Hair Care
Coconut milk contains a significant amount of protein, which helps to prevent hair breakage and promotes hair grow. Use coconut milk as a hair and scalp treatment for hair growth. This natural treatment is totally safe, has no chemical dangers, and has no side effects. The coconut milk will nourish your scalp and encourage thicker and more luxurious hair. Coconut milk is good in providing long and thick hair with its organic hair conditioning properties.
Indian Gooseberry or Amla for Hair Growth
Amla or Gooseberry is a magical Indian fruit that offers innumerable health benefits for the hair. It is loaded with antioxidants and is a rich source of Vitamin C that is very effective in promoting hair growth. Take a fresh amla and squeeze out its juice into a bowl. Apply it directly onto your scalp and massage with your fingertips gently. Let it sit for an hour. Then, wash off with a mild herbal shampoo. Regular application of this hair tonic will nourish your scalp, thereby making hair strands stronger.
Use Unflavored Curd for Hair Loss
Curd is a perfect tonic for improving the quality of hair. Curd is rich in vitamin B5 and proteins that are beneficial for hair. The protein content in curd helps to moisturize hair as well as hair growth. Apply curd on the scalp and left it for 20 minutes. Wash it with a mild shampoo. It helps to give shine and dandruff free hair as well as promoting hair growth. Curd provides many nutrients for silky hair. Curd is one of the brilliant natural home remedies for hair growth.
Hair Loss Treatment with Flax Seeds
Flax seeds are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, which are extremely necessary for nurturing our hair follicles and increasing the elasticity of hair fibers. As a result, our hair becomes healthier, stronger and less vulnerable to breakage. You can prepare an effective hair gel with flax seeds right at your home. Start with boiling 2 cups of water. You have to simmer the whole thing for next 15 to 20 minutes. It would become thick and sticky. Apply it on your scalp for reducing hair loss and hair growth.
Hair Loss Treatment with Aloe Vera Juice
Aloe Vera can help prevent frequent hair loss and promote hair growth. With hair loss, using Aloe Vera regularly will rejuvenate the hair follicles and reduce thinning. Along with hair loss prevention, Aloe Vera enzymes promote hair growth by helping your locks retain moisture, and by clearing dead skin cells off of your scalp. 100% natural Aloe Vera gel can be applied directly to the scalp. Leave it 20 to 30 minutes and wash with mild shampoo.
Olive Oil for Hair Growth and Hair Care
Olive oil is rich in vitamin E, A, essential fatty acids and several antioxidants that protect hair keratin and promote healthy hair growth. Olive oil is filled with antioxidants that enhance scalp health, locks in the hair moisture. A good hair massage with olive oil is one of the best remedies for luscious long hair and hair growth treatment. Apply olive oil to your hair and massage gently. Make sure the oil reaches the roots of the hair and surface of the scalp. Leave for one hour and wash it with herbal shampoo.
Coconut Oil for Hair Care and Hair Growth
Coconut oil contains both antifungal and antibacterial properties, which protect against dandruff and lice, both of which can affect hair growth. Using one to four tablespoons of oil and start massaging the oil into your hair with your fingertips, ensuring you work it into the hair follicles by applying to the roots. To get the full benefit, massage for a few minutes. Now, cover your hair with a towel or a shower cap and leave it at least twenty to thirty minutes and wash with mild shampoo.
Castor Oil for Hair Growth
Castor oil has natural antibacterial and antifungal properties and is high in Vitamin E, minerals, proteins, and Omega 6 and 9 beneficial fatty acids. Its unusually high ricinoleic acid ratio makes it beneficial to the hair. Castor oil has a thick consistency, so you can mix it with jojoba oil in a half and half ratio. Use your fingers or a brush and start applying it onto your scalp with circular motions. Wrap your hair in a warm towel and leave it for two to eight hours. Wash your hair as usual using shampoo and conditioner.
Take Protein Rich Diet
Our hair is made of a special protein called keratin. So taking protein rich diet works great for making your hair healthy. Include food that is rich in protein like kidney beans, tofu, soybean, eggs, yogurt, nuts, lentils, almond, oats, milk, broccoli, cereals, peanuts, etc. Taking food that is rich in protein promotes hair growth and makes your hair shiny, thick and smooth.
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Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Black Women Hair Care – 7 Hair Facts You Should Know
Recently, I spent a few minutes explaining to a friend that cutting her hair regularly every month, won’t let it grow. Where on earth did that myth come from? She was also astonished to find that relaxing her hair every eight weeks was not something that she had to do. Apparently she was told that if she did not religiously relax her hair every time new growth appeared then her hair would fall. A conclusion that she came to when her hair was nine weeks post relaxer and started to shed like crazy.
The problem with some of us is that we believe much of the hair myths that our parents or hair dressers told us. Some of those myths are still alive today and unfortunately we are following these old wives tales and our hair pays for us following bad advice. Let us take a look at some scientific hair facts:
Fact number one – Hair is the fastest growing tissue in the body, second only to bone marrow. On average most hair grows at about half inch per month. This means that you gain a whole six inches of new hair growth in a year. Thirty five meters of hair fiber is produced every day on the average adult scalp.
Fact number two – It is normal to lose 100 hairs per day from the scalp. The natural life cycle of a single hair strand on your head ranges from two to six years. Ninety percent of scalp hairs are growing and ten percent are resting.
Factor number three – Cutting the ends of your hair cannot determine your hair growth. Why? Because hair is dead. The root of the hair is where all the action happens. The ends of the hair can split up to the root and that is the only reason why it would make sense to cut off the splits to retain hair growth.![Seven](
Fact number four – If you maintain the ideal moisture and protein level in your hair it will not break. Hair breaks because it is dry or excessively abused. Most women complain about their hair not growing when in fact it is not the hair that is not growing but the handling of the hair that causes breakage.
Fact number five – Because of the tightly-curly, kinky hair that many black women are born with, structurally our hair will always need extra help from moisturizing or conditioning to retain our hair growth.
Fact number six – Moisturize your hair everyday as you would your skin. To prevent your hair from becoming matted and dry, you will have to routinely replace the moisture lost from everyday wear and tear.
Fact number seven – Stress and illness show up first in your hair. Hence, hair breakage may stem from your mental state even if you are doing everything right to maintain your locks topically. Take steps to combat stress in your life and your hair will thank you for it.
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Sunday, September 25, 2016
It’s very easy for naturals to neglect their hair during the summer months. We don’t want to spend hours on end washing, deep conditioning and setting our hair in styles, now do we? Not to mention that most people notice a change in their hair when the summer comes around. Products don’t seem to work, your hair may be drier–our hair starts feeling like it isn’t our hair anymore! It is important to figure out what it needs and why its changed. That’s why I’m here: to help y’all figure out the best ways to care for your hair during the summer!
- Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize!
Whenever someone is having hair trouble and asks me for advice to fix it, this is always the answer I give them: MOISTURE! This is already a given, at least it should be (I’m wagging my finger at you furiously if you’re one of those people who only deep condition once a month). It is especially important for you to deep condition your hair during the summer months because while you’re out and about enjoying the wonderful sun, that wonderful sun’s rays are actually beating down on your hair, which causes it to be dry! If your natural hair is colored, it’s even worse for you because your chemically altered hair is already dry to begin with, so the sun can be even more damaging to you. Always moisturize and seal if your hair feels dry. Remember that the sun is NOT always your friend.
- Different Hair Products
As I’ve mentioned before, your natural hair may change up on you as the warmer months come around. While I was transitioning and was on my usual natural hair video binge on YouTube, I never understood why there were videos titled “Winter Hair Care Routine” and “Summer Hair Care Routine”. Like, what? Don’t you just do the same thing all the time, no matter what time of the year? Truth be told, I thought these YouTubers were just reaching. Maybe they had run out of ideas and now they were just spewing nonsense about a whole change of products to use during the different seasons. Boy, was I in for a surprise.
If you’re hair doesn’t change at all, good for you! But if yours does, listen up!
During the winter months, when your hair is liable to be very dry due to heavy winds and frigid air, you’ll notice that most of the products in your arsenal are those that provide you with heavy moisture. Creams are heavier, oils are thicker and this all used to coat your hair strands to create the best protective coat that’ll fight against the winter air.
Now when spring rolls around, you’ll find that you’ll use these products less and less and when June and July is here, you may have stopped altogether. Why? Because now that it’s no longer cold outside, those heavy creams and thick oils are now weighing your hair down. Before, the cold was fighting against this coat of moisture, so the weighing down of products wasn’t very noticeable because a little of that coat would be gone each day (unless you moisture and seal every day to keep it there; good for you!) Now that it’s warm out, the sun is baking the laden of moisture you’ve put on your hair and weighing it down. Make sense?
How do you combat this? Change your products! I, for example, have switched my creamy leave-in conditioner for a spray leave-in. If spray leave-ins aren’t your thing, purchase one with a lighter consistency versus a thick one. The castor oil I used to coat my strands during the winter is now replaced with a lightweight oil, extra virgin olive oil or avocado oil. Of course there are some exceptions (one of them found in the third tip), but for the most part, try to find products that will not weigh-down your hair as it does during the winter!
- Protective Styling!
This tip may not apply to those who wish to wear there hair during the summer, but if you’re like me and can’t be bothered with your hair for the whole summer, than this is for you!
I got my first protective style ever last summer. They were Marley twists and I loved them a lot. The maintenance was not hard and the look was very different than what I was used to. For five whole weeks I had this style and it kept me from doing my hair throughout that whole time besides styling it every once in a while and doing a few things to make sure it looked decent.
Protective styling doesn’t always have to be extensions either! Buns, mini twists, mini braids and any kind of up-dos contribute to protective styling. Remember: if you can keep your hair in a style for a whole week or more without touching it up much, you are protective styling! By doing this kind of styling, you are free to do whatever your hair desires for the summer without having to mess with your hair. Naturally, if you aren’t using extensions, before you leave your hair alone for a week or two make sure that your hair is protected with enough moisture that will last a whole week. The whole point of this is to be able to keep your hands out of your hair for as long as possible, but to also not neglect your hair fully, a big no-no.
If protective styling isn’t your thing, don’t worry! I’ll have another post coming up soon with FIVE quick and easy summer styles that literally takes no time at all to do! In the meantime, comment down below and tell me the different things you do with your hair in the summertime! Also, what are your favorite products to use?
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Hair fall treatment at home — 7 remedies that work!
Visit our Hair Care Center and know our natural hair loss treatment. Results guaranteed within 10 days!
Check it out here:
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Hair fall treatment at home — 7 remedies that work!: Hair fall problem? Looking for a treatment that works without the side-effects of chemicals or medications? You should try these home r...
Friday, September 16, 2016
10 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About Dandruff
10 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About Dandruff: Dandruff has been my big secret since I was a young girl. On wash days, my mother would sit me down in the living room, turn on a Disney movie, and scratch the flakes out of my scalp before shampooing my hair. My mom would mumble on and on about how I inherited the flakes from my father and my grandfather, who have both used Head & Shoulders since before I was born.
Going to the hair salon, I always felt I needed to explain. “Sorry about the flakes! I have a really bad scalp,” is the way I would preface any trip to the shampoo bowl. And through my years as a beauty editor, I’ve found that there are a lot of misconceptions about dandruff. It’s a common scalp annoyance that no one really understands. So, SELF talked to two pros to bust all the myths about itchy, flaky scalps. Keep reading to get down to the root of the problem.
Myth #1: Dandruff is caused by a dry scalp. Actually it’s the exact opposite. Dandruff is more common for people with an oily scalp. “Skin cells on our scalp (just like those on the rest of our body) are constantly replaced and shed,” Anabel Kingsley, a trichologist at Philip Kinglsey Trichological Clinic, tells SELF. “If skin cells begin to divide too rapidly—faster than they are shed—this is what causes flakes.” An oily scalp in addition to this overgrowth of cells can cause skin cells to build-up on the scalp.
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Goodbye to Humiliating Flakes!
Using 100% Herbal Detox Treatments NOW!
With the help of LaoFoYe’s dandruff treatment using Ancient Formula,
scales of dandruff will be removed layer by layer.
Please visit this link for more info about this treatment.
10 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About Dandruff: Dandruff has been my big secret since I was a young girl. On wash days, my mother would sit me down in the living room, turn on a Disney movie, and scratch the flakes out of my scalp before shampooing my hair. My mom would mumble on and on about how I inherited the flakes from my father and my grandfather, who have both used Head & Shoulders since before I was born.
Going to the hair salon, I always felt I needed to explain. “Sorry about the flakes! I have a really bad scalp,” is the way I would preface any trip to the shampoo bowl. And through my years as a beauty editor, I’ve found that there are a lot of misconceptions about dandruff. It’s a common scalp annoyance that no one really understands. So, SELF talked to two pros to bust all the myths about itchy, flaky scalps. Keep reading to get down to the root of the problem.
Myth #1: Dandruff is caused by a dry scalp. Actually it’s the exact opposite. Dandruff is more common for people with an oily scalp. “Skin cells on our scalp (just like those on the rest of our body) are constantly replaced and shed,” Anabel Kingsley, a trichologist at Philip Kinglsey Trichological Clinic, tells SELF. “If skin cells begin to divide too rapidly—faster than they are shed—this is what causes flakes.” An oily scalp in addition to this overgrowth of cells can cause skin cells to build-up on the scalp.
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Goodbye to Humiliating Flakes!
Using 100% Herbal Detox Treatments NOW!
With the help of LaoFoYe’s dandruff treatment using Ancient Formula,
scales of dandruff will be removed layer by layer.
Please visit this link for more info about this treatment.
Lao Fo Ye - Natural Dandruff Treatment
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Have Lovely Dandruff-Free Hair With 15 Natural Dandruff Treatments
It’s like your head gets used to these shampoos and prevents them from working. That was the first thig why I decided to go completely natural.
Plus, there are huge rumors circling around about the way the companies are producing the shampoos and other hair products.
What you will find below are natural dandruff treatments. I was blessed to deal with dandruff myself and advise all of my friends to try this if they are having similar problems.
I received nothing but positive feedbacks. This made me completely positive that I can share these treatments with all of you.
What’s there to lose? – All of these treatments are made with completely natural ingredients you are seeing every day.
The benefits of these ingredients are huge and work best with your hair.
Let’s dig in:
1. Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse
2. Tea Tree Shampoo/ Coconut Milk Mask/ Hair Growth Spray
3. Coconut Fenugreek Hair Mask
4. Garlic as a Dandruff Treatment
5. Yogurt And Lemon Juice Mask
6. Fenugreek Dandruff Treatment
7. Honey Shampoo
8. Olive Oil Remedies For Dandruff
9. Tea Tree Oil for Dandruff
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If you hate a long list of natural treatments, come and visit our Hair Care Center and let our specialists do the job for you. Time to say goodbye to dandruff forever!
Lao Fo Ye – Natural Dandruff Treatment
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